Rick and Morty Lost Episode Entry's

''Notice; The blog poster has been missing for about 3 months, this is the only thing leading to his dissappearence. If you any information on the Blog Poster named ''

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The Blog

I'm sure you all heard of the Famous Adult Swim animated TV show named "Rick and Morty", if not its about a Drunken Crazy Scientist with his Grandchild "Morty" who go on Crazy adventures and blah blah we all know what the fuck happens in the show.
It was a normal day on 4chan, just reading shitposts, until i come across a download link with a photo of Morty. I decided to take chances and download the contains of the download link (it was a direct link that closed the website as soon the download started, so i didn't see what the link was)
Weirdly when the download was finished, the 4chan post got 404'd. Which i thought was coincidence, but later i thought not.
The File was simply called "Rick and Morty S2E011.mp4", which was weird because there was no Episode 11 in Season 2, i said quietly to myself "Must be some fan-made shit" The Video was 3 mins long. The Video started with Rick seating in the crouch watching ball founders, until Jerry came into the room and demanded to have the remote. But Rick of course said "No fuck off jerry!"
Jerry and Rick then fight over a remote, but all of a sudden the tv screen turned black and a Hyper Realistic Morty popped up and said with a loud screech "OH FUCKING GEEZ RICK"
A black hole like portal then appears in front of the tv and Rick and Jerry are sucked into, then a really cliche moment happens, Lavender town music plays.
The Second scene then shows a Hyper Realistic Jerry dead with Hyper Realistic Blood Coming out of his eyes, he is lying on top of a fallen tree with upside crosses. Rick is towards the left of him, standing up and with Blood Red Eyes
Then the screen zooms into Rick, and before Rick could said something (He said Fu before being cut off) the screen turned blank, and then coordinates popped up, but i can't remember them.
My computer automatically deleted the file, and right now i think it was just a 4chan shitposter who just wanted to fuck with someone.

Update 2/18/18

Turns out there were other people who also saw the 4chan post of the Lost episode, i was emailed about it and that coordinates go to some Abandoned area, its the same place for the "Hidden Prize" stunt on 4chan a while ago. (Reason for knowing is because the coordinates were the exact copy of it.)
Though i really wonder why would someone go though the trouble making a shitty lost episode for a Popular Tv Show (i.e Dead Bart), maybe, to make it more edgier? I have no idea
I will update to when i get to the location.

Update 2/18/18 (3 hours later)

Well i didn't know what to expect, but i guess i got what i wanted. When i got there, there was a walmart right behind it (which if you go to google maps, you will see what i'm talking about) So i become smart and grabbed a pocket knife from walmart (i didn't steal lol).
When i got to the wooden door, there was a box with Szechuan sauce, which i chuckled to myself. When i got inside i was presented with pc cords going somewhere (which matches what Alex posted)
I followed the Cords and found a laptop, i decided to grab it with me, but then, i heard a car pulling up outside, i panicked and decided to charge in with my pocket knife.
For some reason, no one was there. But there was a black mini-van parked by. I decided to get to my car and drive off.
I decided to open the laptop back at my place and see what it had. The laptop looked like it was cleaned off (everything was default, nothing was installed),looked if the person who owned the laptop didn't want someone going through the laptop.
There was only a text document that was filled with binary. I screenshot the contains, here it is.
I went and translated it to English, which is "He who seeks truth always dies"
I kinda have doubts this is just some big prank to scare people, but maybe i should look deeper into this.
Anyways theirs someone knocking on my door who been yelling my name, who i never heard the voice before. I will end this entry as this. I probably won't update it, well i might, eh don't count on it.


Alright just to explain things with the Someone knocking on my door, he got the wrong address and was looking for someone who had the same as me, just a headups, alright for real imma go away for awhile.

UPDATE (3/12/18)

It's been almost a month since i found the 4chan post, there has been something that happened recently with me and the supposed creator of the Rick and Morty Lost episode.
It's been a full week since this happened, i just never wrote about it until now, My computer all of sudden was directed to a chat room while browsing Reddit (specifically R/rickandmorty)
I was prompeted to put in a nickname, i decided to just write "The_Legend27" for jokes.
The_Legend27: Hello?
The_Legend27: Anyone here?
The_Legend27: ??
The_Legend27: Are you gonna say something?
???: N w44334 3444343 O
The_Legend27: Who are you?
???: L djioadidj i dsaiodj O odisj dsiojd siodj S idjsiodj T
I realize that the Upper case words are spelling out "LOST"
The_Legend27: Lost?
Lost: Yep
The_Legend27: uhh, what it is you want?
Lost: fdfdsfjdh YdfjsfjhfsdfOdhdshjfU
The_Legend27: Me?
Lost: Look Behind You
I look behind me, there was nothing. When i look back at the screen however, there was this, weird, fucking face that was in my screen, i didn't really know what it was but it was, a middle aged kid that was super skinny that you could see his skeleton.
The Screen then just went blank and i couldn't turn back on the computer, i decided to remove and put back the hard drive into the computer. My entire damn computer was wiped. 100% of it. Except one thing. It was a other text document. The file was named "Showmethemorty"
The text document contains the following words:
Error 8044 morty.jpeg not loading

I honesty don't really know what to think anymore at this point, what the FUCK does Rick and Morty has to deal with any of this? Seriously WHAT THE FUCK does it have to deal with this?


It's been such a long time since i last wrote something in this blog, mainly because of School, anyways, i was mailed a flash drive that said "4GB"
I plugged in the flash drive into my computer with caution, and all it had was a video file by the name of "Rick and Morty S9E108" I realized this must be the sequel to the Original "Rick and Morty S2E11" Lost Episode.
The First scene was Morty just seating in his bed while weird eerie music plays. It was like that for 1 full boring minute. Then i heard a women screaming in the video, then for 1 full second, it was a shot of all members of the Smith family (excluding Morty) with Rick, Died, with a 666 text on top of the dead pile.
Then it cut back to Morty. Morty then looked at the screen and then a Pistol appeared in the bottom-left corner of the screen, on Morty's chin. Then the screen turned blank with a gun shot sound effect. The video then ends.
As soon the video ends there was a knock on my door. I look out the window, and i see a tall male with a black mask over his head. I'm right now inside my closet, writing this on my Personal School Laptoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


hey guys im definitely fine, healthy and well lived. i myself will no longer write blogs because me and the creator of the lost episodes have agreed to explore the land of mu (nothingness) together when we are both dead. goodbye

The Case

It has been thought to believe that the original blog poster is no longer with us due to the final Post. Its theorized that the final post was made by the Lost Episode Maker.
The only real lead we got so far is the Location of the original 4chan Hidden Prize Incident, however it was proven that the Alex disappearance was a hoax (most likely)
The place was searched and nothing was found other then dead animals scattered everywhere inside the building.
There was really nothing until we receive a mail in the police building by where the Blog Poster lived. It was a video file.
The video showed the Blog Poster tied up in a chair, crying, then two figures with black masks popped (which matched the desc of the blog post)
The Blog poster was then forced to eat some type of soup, it looked human.
The second black masked figure then proceeds to run towards the Blog poster before the video ends. The video will not be send to the public. We can assume The blog poster is dead.
''Case Closed 9/9/18, The blog poster is dead, we will reopen this case if anymore similar killings happen.''